Sacred Mothering
Pre-Pregnancy Preparation
Sacred Mothering
PrePregnancy Preparation
The Journey to Motherhood For Women Preparing for Pregnancy©
Sacred Mothering is a Rites of Passage training for women before entering the season of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and motherhood who desire to do so holistically and naturally.
Many women are entering the season of motherhood unprepared, misinformed, unhealthy, traumatized, with poor self image, negative core beliefs, and generational traumas. Many of which will be passed down to their offsprings just like it was passed down to them.
Sacred Mothering training is your opportunity to go beneath the surface to do your inner healing of your Emotional, Spiritual and Mental body. It will clear blocked energy, freeing you to Step into your power of conception.
What is Sacred Mothering
Pregnancy is a Rites of Passage
Learn how to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy
Learn how to safely remove toxins from your life that can decrease fertility
What are some natural strategies to increase fertility
Breaking generational ways of being that you don't want to pass down to your child
Emotional and Mental Clearing
Lifestyle, Nutrition, Rest, Natural Remedies
What to expect at each session:
This program will last for nine weeks with each session lasting approximately
2 - 2 1/2 hours except for session nine our closing ceremony will be approximately 3 hours. We start each session with movement, meditation/visualization, and breathwork. There will be a time to journal throughout each session. We will discuss the main topic(s) of the day. We end each session in a sacred circle with visualization/meditation.
At the end of this training, you will be more prepared and educated about the journey towards procreation from a holistic perspective.
Week One and Two - Get to Know Your Body
This session focuses on nutrition: Learn how to get your body ready to conceive. You will learn which foods, herbals and supplements strengthen and nourish the body and your reproductive organs. Learn which herbs can strengthen the male reproductive organs. Learn which foods should not be eaten. Learn how nutrition can balance your hormones.
Week Three - Cleansing and Detoxification
This session is all about Cleansing and Detoxification: Learn how to cleanse toxins from the body. Learn why removing toxins is important. Learn how toxins can impact the health of your baby. We discuss foods, plants, herbals and supplements that can safely remove toxins.
Four Day Group Fast
We will integrate what you've learned about nutrition during our four day group fast. This is a juice and blended food fast.
Week Four - Sacred Space and Rituals
In this session we will discuss ways of creating sacred space and rituals in your life. You will learn about chakras and how to use healing tools such as crystals, smudging(Native American tradition) and aromatherapy to clear energy. We end this session by going on an inner journey sound bath with Himalayan Bowls and other healing tools.
Week Five & Six - Emotional InnerWork
This session focuses on going inward to uncover your personal Core Beliefs that may be blocking your energy on a mental, physical, and emotional level. Uncover pain that we don’t want to pass on to the next generation. We end this session with Yoga Nidra (the yoga of sleep) where you will be led through a journey to clear and remove “that which no longer serves you.”
Session Seven - Stepping Into Motherhood
In this session, we explore any fears that you may have about Motherhood and your vision of yourself as a Mother. We discuss your fertility signals which let you know when you are ovulating. We discuss if and how a woman's own body image can impact intimacy and fertility. Learn why over-ejaculation can decrease a man's vitality and how diet and environmental factors can decrease sperm count and quality.
Week Eight - Integration
This is time is dedicated to helping you integrate what you've learned into a Sacred Mothering Lifestyle. It is also an opportunity for you to ask additional questions and to share your perspectives
Weeks Nine - Closing Ceremony
We close out with a Sacred Mothering Closing Ceremony & Tea Party to celebrate your new beginnings and inner reflection.
The program is in-person and virtual. All sessions will be recorded.
The first sessions will be held virtually on May 24, 2023, June 7 and June 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Register via Eventbrite below!